Is he cheating on me?

Posted by Sexysarah
- Nov 24, 2013 @22:26

I am just wanting to get some advice from a guy. Recently the guy I've been seeing has become obsessed with his phone, he literally never has it away from his side, even when he goes to the bathroom. My friend said that when her guy started doing that he was cheating on her.

What do you think?


United Kingdom, Haverford West
- Posted Jan 15, 2014 @22:55
Not enough info really...

I got accused of this in my last relationship when all I was doing was playing games to pass the time.
Maybe your friend's guy was cheating but it doesn't mean your gut is.

I think the key here is communication, not suspicion. Ask him if there are any problems between you... if you're feeling daring, ask how he feels about an open relationship; if he jumps at the idea, maybe you have your answer (but I bet he won't be so keen to think of you doing the same!).

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