Unrequited love or just scared?

Posted by Little T
- Jun 17, 2013 @09:14

Totally lost right now and could do with some male advice... Dated this guy 2 years ago and we were absolutely head over heels, and despite the fact he was going to the army, I was prepared to deal with it. Then one night out of the blue he ended it saying I deserved better than a boyfriend who is getting shot at all the time and I had so much potential - he didn't want to be responsible for ruining that. Since breaking up we've remained in contact on and off and had a few one night stands. Then just a few weeks ago we had our first real conversation in a while, initiated by him - he said he had been thinking about me a lot and missed being with me and that he had no idea what to do. The next morning he confirmed it wasn't just a drunken conversation, and that he meant it, but ever since then we've hardly talked and when we do I generally initiate. I don't know where I stand and I don't want to wait around in limbo only to find out he didn't feel that way anymore. I also don't want to try to move on, only to find out that he did still have feelings. ...help?


United Kingdom, Twickenham
- Posted Jun 17, 2013 @09:21
It sounds to me as if he may not be that serious about you despite the fact he is claiming to want to protect you by not wanting you to be with him if he is likely to get injured etc. The way I see it, if a guy is that much in love with a women, regardless of the situation, he will want to be with her. Could he be using you just when he needs you for 'one night stands'? If it was me, I would cut the cord and move on regardless.
United Kingdom, Chiswick
- Posted Jun 27, 2013 @09:13
I agree, you need to move on, it's a hard one and you'll be heartbroken but it time you'll find someone who's right for you.

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