Why does my girlfriend not want to give me head?

Posted by
- Apr 24, 2017 @22:19

I always enjoy eating her out - I do it a lot as well. I'm just confused why she may not enjoy doing it? She has given me head a couple of times but not anymore. I've asked her but she doesn't give me a real answer, just a mix of different answers each time I ask.


Location undisclosed, City unknown
- Posted May 02, 2017 @20:56
You could use a different term. "Oral Sex is not shared"... Keep asking her politely without making her feel it's a priority.
Canada, Toronto
- Posted May 16, 2017 @09:49
Don't compel her for a reply rather have her open up in a conversation and get to know the root problem.
United States, Dallas
- Posted Jun 21, 2017 @22:08
Maybe it smells funky or it's shape and size aren't her taste, pun intended.
an ex Flirthut member
United States, Springfield
- Posted Jul 21, 2017 @22:13
Maybe it's not you she wants to give it to anymore, and stop trying to push her into it, if the feelings not there don't ask her, just stop doing it to her without a reason. and see what happens.

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