Why do girls never admit to their fetishes'?

Posted by Jaguar54
- Jul 16, 2014 @21:05

Everyone has them, and they always sound weird and bizarre when we hear about other people's. Yet very few ever feature in a relationship because they dare not be mentioned, leaving the desire unsatisfied for the woman, and most probably blocking off the way for the man to voice his.

Yet it is these inner-most details that create the special attraction. Why must guys always make themselves appear so sensible and staid?


Anonymous Contributor
Location undisclosed, City unknown
- Posted Jul 16, 2014 @21:10
This is just my opinion, but a lot women are afraid to admit to anything that might make them stand out sexually. If a particular fetish became fashionable on TV for example, I bet lots of women would suddenly find they have the same or similar fetish. I think women are generally very reserved when it comes to admitting the things they truly enjoy sexually.
United States, Fort Lauderdale
- Posted Nov 01, 2018 @23:42
Are you her true lover, than ask, coax, suggest they get open, I frequently ask, what is your wildest fantasy sexually, no holds nothing is taboo just asking if you could have it done to you or you to him. No we are not doing it but I am asking because from time to time, I think of little kinky things like tying you to the bed, legs spread and tickling you till your exhausted. I find they open a little and the more you accept and don't go to crazy your lover will tell you.
United States, Oakland
- Posted Mar 08, 2020 @18:10
"inner-most details". That is exactly your answer. It is private, personal, they enjoy it and want to keep it that way.

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