No Intimacy

Posted by an ex Flirthut member
- Aug 10, 2020 @04:33

Do you feel it is appropriate for a married man who has had no affection or intimacy for 6 years to look to have needs fulfilled elsewhere and possibly move on? This has been going on for a long but has gotten worse over the years especially the last 6 going on 7. My spouse has MH issues and has not been okay since hysterectomy. She has no interest in s*x. We have talked about this many times as she turns it back on me, meaning all I want is intimacy/affection. I am at an overwhelming crossroads. I never cheated on my spouse.


an ex Flirthut member
United Kingdom, Southampton
- Posted Jan 13, 2022 @12:04
Hi, I feel for you, maybe an explanation this way, s*x drive if not met affects ppl, down and snappy and so on, it’s as natural as dogs barking. As it’s in your nature to have a s*x drive.. when met it releases endorphins etc try that explanation

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