Mr Nice Guy?

Posted by mrtodmiller
- Jun 30, 2019 @15:00

What do the girls mean when they say I need a Mr nice guy in my life? Well i really have tried to figure it out myself - done so many research. It seems so simple and understandable when you look to it by the sentence presented in simple English, Mr. nice guy... Well I bet we all understand it in a different meaning. Some take it to be handsome guy, some say a rich guy that is handsome. What do the girls really mean by that sentence, Mr. nice guy? I bet they should say a full meaning of it because we still don't find the right people in our lives for a good and long-term relationship. Many girls want the Mr. nice guy in their lives and I really don't know if i am one of the Mr. nice guys because I am still trying to figure out what they mean. Add your understanding to this post and maybe we could get to know the meaning at the end.


Jamaica, City unknown
- Posted Jul 01, 2019 @08:27
I guess Mr Nice Guy means different things to different women as they’re all looking for different qualities that fit the ‘nice’ bit. Most of the women I know would probably say that a nice guy is someone who treats them well, looks after them, cares for others, has a sensitive side but is still manly, is friendly, a great lover and fun to be with. Just depends on the woman! It’ll be interesting to hear what women say here…
Anonymous Contributor
United States, City unknown
- Posted Jul 01, 2019 @10:28
Well you look like a nice guy :) I like my guys to be good to me, to hug me when I need it and to take care of me. That’s what I call a nice guy.
United States, Newton
- Posted Aug 15, 2019 @00:44
Listener communication. Affectionate uplifting makes u smile feel loved and cared for helping hand. Honesty loyalty respect and the list goes on.
United States, Atlanta
- Posted Jan 19, 2020 @15:30

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