does m*sturbation have any side-effects on relations

Posted by glennthelover
- Jun 01, 2015 @09:57

i have been wondering if girls who masturbate still fancy men and would like to get to intimate relationships with them


Location undisclosed, City unknown
- Posted Jun 06, 2015 @08:37
Females who masturbate do so for exactly the same reasons as feel good. For either gender there's no unhealthy side effects. In some cultures it is taboo for women, especially cultures which surpress women and regard any aspect of their biological sexuality as 'dirty'. It's all part of healthy sexual functioning and you should not regard women who masturbate as any different in this respect to yourself. We're all human beings with urges and needs. Remember also....all human beings begin life in the womb as female. Only a hormonal shift at embryonic stage then shifts the little person to being male. Women are not aliens to be wary of. They are your human sisters! Love them.
United States, Cincinnati
- Posted Aug 26, 2016 @20:31
With utmost respect for our biological sexuality as humans, masturbation has done more harm than good to sexual relationships between a man and woman. This is further buttressed by understanding the physiology of our genitalia. A woman's sexual experiences are different from the male counterpart. While ejaculation is the sexual climax for males, this is not so for females because they have the ability to experience multiple orgasm. Masturbation is usually a simulation experience that gives pleasurable feelings while exciting or arousing oneself sexually. Most people who engage in this act often at times don't know what to expect or offer their partners in the real act of sexual intercourse with their partner. As a result, they may never get satisfied sexually because of unrealistic expectations and fantasies they always get from themselves - dildos and sex toys etc. Masturbation is the leading cause of premature ejaculation for most males who cannot last long enough to have penile intercourse that will make their partner experience orgasm. It is also the major reason why most ladies seem not to derive satisfaction from their partners alone when addicted to it. Masturbation immediately relieves and has been recorded to have far reaching and grave consequences on healthy relationships and often leads to crisis in relationships.
United States, Central Bridge
- Posted May 17, 2019 @10:06
I think I agree with this. M*sturbation is addictive. And when it gets to an addictive level, sexual relationships definitely get negatively affected.
United States, Herrin
- Posted Aug 29, 2020 @23:56
1 day a week to meet women. I'm over 60 but still hungry. Besides,that's not what they call it anymore when you're over 60; it's called "routine maintenance."


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