Am feeling a right sight unsure

Posted by
- Sep 22, 2018 @08:19

Every day I see this girl at her workplace, and she looks so beautiful, I complimented her today with “I’m not too good at compliments, but if you don’t mind me saying, you look very beautiful”, she very lightly blushed and giggly said “aw thank you”. A part of me wants to ask her out and another fears she will turn me down. To put my mind at ease, based on what I have noted, what should I do?


United States, Fort Lauderdale
- Posted Nov 01, 2018 @23:41
Rejection is part of life, dont take it personally, it is your not her flavor. Think of it this way... What happens if she would have said yes and you did not.
I have asked a least a hundred women, and I get turned down regularly, but I also get taken up on a date, dinner and more, some times it is just a date some times it is a new friend and occasionally more.

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