How can you tell if a girl is interested?

Posted by Nicky
- Oct 03, 2012 @09:23

I'm struggling with girls these days since I split from my wife of 5 years. I'm only 25 (I got married young) But I feel so ancient and out of the game. I just don't get how women work these days and need some help.


Pinch me am I awake?
Location undisclosed, City unknown
- Posted Oct 07, 2012 @15:47
Get a manual! If any guy knew the answer to that, we'd all be successful in our relationships. And you're only 25? Seriously? Come on at that age time is still on your side. Go out and have some fun. There are so many places to meet women these days - signing up online isn't the only way. And trust me, 25 is still very very young so you have so much time on your hands.
Nick B
United States, City unknown
- Posted Oct 15, 2012 @22:06
25 is like baby man. If I was 25 again, I'd be hitting the streets and all those glam nightclubs having a good time. Working a woman is easy. Buy her drinks, keep her interested, make her laugh and before you know it she'll be putty in your hands. And make the most of it dude - 25 is a prime age!
an ex Flirthut member
Canada, North Bay
- Posted Jan 03, 2021 @07:09
I know this will seem like a crop out, but a woman is only interested in a man that is just himself, able to carry a conversation and has positive energy and vibes.

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