20 questions to ask a girl

Posted by Rox
- Oct 05, 2012 @22:32

If you could think of 20 questions to ask a girl, what would they be?


Mr Nice Knot
Russia, City unknown
- Posted Oct 15, 2012 @21:58
1) How old are you?

2) Are you attached or single?

3) Beer or wine?

4) Ferrari or VW?

5) You ok with supermarket flowers?

6) Did you put my beer in the fridge?

7) When is dinner ready?

8) Can your friend join in?

9) Will you ensure you don't puff up when you're older?

10) Do you have a sister?

11) Is she fit and also single?

12) Is your mum fit and single too?

13) When can I move in to yours?

14) Does your job involve you thinking at all?

15) Can we leave the family out of it completely?

16) What bra size are you?

17) Would you wear these knickers for me?

18) Have I gone too far?

19) Where are you going?

20) You ever coming back?

Nope she's gone... Maybe avoid those types of question!
Paul Perry
United States, City unknown
- Posted Nov 15, 2012 @22:11
My standard set of questions I ask when I’m on a date. These will tell you a lot about the girl. Obviously don’t ask them all at once and one after the other! I try and get as many in as I can, when I can!

1) What do you do for a living?

2) Where do you live?

3) Favourite type of music?

4) Favourite TV show?

5) What car do you drive?

6) What type of guys to you usual go for?

7) Have you got any brothers or sisters?

8) Are you close to them?

9) Have you got any pets?

10) Romantic night in or party out?

11) If you had all the money in the world, what would you do?

12) How is this date going so far?

13) If you were president, what would you do?

14) How many speeding tickets have you ever had?

15) If I was a different colour, would you still like me?

16) If you could travel to any place in the world, where would you go?

17) What is the most important thing in your life right now?

18) Which actor do you fancy?

19) Film or book?

20) Do you date much?
United States, Spencertown
- Posted Dec 01, 2012 @12:00
Just a suggestion, but why not actually ask some ladies on here? I’m sure a lot of them would be more than happy to make some suggestions about questions you can ask.
Chad Brandon
United States, City unknown
- Posted Dec 18, 2012 @12:34
Don’t know about 20 questions specifically, but girls love chatting about themselves, their jobs and their clothes. So if you center your questions around these items, I’m sure you could have hundreds of questions, let alone 20.
Dominic Wells
Location undisclosed, City unknown
- Posted Jan 15, 2013 @20:56
Generally I would try to ask rapport building questions, stuff about their childhood such as "What is the one memory from your childhood that stands out the most?" or "Tell me your funniest memory". Could also ask things like "If you could wake up anywhere tomorrow, where would it be?" or "What do you treasure the most in your life?"
jonny smith
Location undisclosed, City unknown
- Posted Jul 08, 2013 @14:52
I'm about to use all of those
United States, City unknown
- Posted Nov 17, 2013 @17:28
I'd ask practical questions and get to the point. Nothing worse than not knowing the facts before you get involved with someone. Be honest and upfront - it will pay later. This is what I'd ask...

1. What type of relationship are you looking for?
2. Are you looking to eventually settle down and have a family?
3. Do you like children?
4. Can you cook?
5. Do you expect the guy to support the family financially on his own?
6. If I became really ill, would you stand by me?
7. If I lost my hair as I got older, would you still love me?
8. If I lost my job, would you stand by me and support me?
9. Have you ever cheated on an ex?
10. Would you sign a pre-nup?
11. Would you rather spend $30k on a wedding or $5k on a wedding and the rest on buying a house for our family?
12. Do you expect a guy to buy you gifts and flowers all the time?
13. Can you see us growing old together?14. Have you ever done any volunteering work?
15. Do you believe in god?
16. Are you religious or spiritual?
17. What's more important, the $2k ring I bought you or the quality times we shared sitting outside together chatting about life?
18. Do you believe there is life anywhere else in space?
19. If money was no object, where would you live?
20. Would you marry me?
Location undisclosed, City unknown
- Posted Dec 11, 2013 @22:57
If you guys are a bit nervous on your date, this MP3 might come in really handy from Celeb Coach and Hypnotherapist Joseph Clough.

It helps to combat the nerves of approaching women. As men, we can sometimes worry about being rejected or looking stupid and that makes it hard to be natural, funny, witty and so on.

So what if there was a way to give you total confidence? What if you knew exactly how to approach and control yourself when around women?

If you were in conscious control of your nerves and low confidence around women, you would have changed by now, wouldn't you? The fact that you cannot must mean that your mind is running this issue at an unconscious level.

Joe's Gain Dating Confidence hypnosis hypnotherapy CD and mp3 download works directly with your unconscious to reach heights of confidence and personal power around women that you have only ever dreamed about!
Location undisclosed, City unknown
- Posted Mar 07, 2014 @15:54
rfgfdgdfg Our moderators will look at any images you upload and base the classification of your gallery on these images. Each image is classified individually but if one image is classified as an adult image, the whole gallery will be classified as such. You are entitled to remove images to demote your classification. Gallery classifications can be either adult or public.
an ex Flirthut member
United States, New York
- Posted Oct 18, 2016 @19:25
Wow! some funny and some very immature, childish posts here!
No wonder why all you dudes are alone!

First off, men never get to ask a woman anything, and if on the rare chance they ever do they will never get an honest answer anyway. Women are born and bred and built to bullshit men to death! Men just need to learn how to weed out the lazy chicks who will most likely be nothing useful and do nothing useful in a relationship and will just get fat in no time and WILL expect the guy to do EVERYTHING! And also know how to avoid the annoying gold diggers who are only after a man's wallet!

Only questions worst asking are these;

1) How important is money to you?
(if their answer is anything other than "Money isn't everything" or "Money can't buy love or happiness" run away as fast as you possibly can)

2) How important is clothes/shoe shopping to you?
(If they profess to love shopping for anything other than for food, run because you will just be paying for all the overspending a gold digger does, and if they aren't supermodel gorgeous and or great in bed, they ain't worth it!)

3) How attached to your mom/sister/bff are you?
(If they are too attached to anyone other than you, then you will either be thrown on the back burner on a daily basis, or they would just always be against you as far as everything goes! Every argument about anything you would ever have with your girl would end up being you against them and not just your girl, and that is annoying AF!)
United States, Bellflower
- Posted Sep 05, 2023 @08:39
What are the most common turn-offs?

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