2 fetish related questions

Posted by JR
- Dec 31, 2018 @23:09

Hi, I'm a 39 year old STRAIGHT man, only parent of 2 kids, and a lonely widower the past 6 years. I also have a fetish that i discovered in my early teens. I love wearing satin panties. My wife was ok with it, and at times encouraged it, because seeing me in panties made her hot and horny, but now that she's no longer with us, I wonder how do other women feel about guys who wear panties? Would you date a guy in panties? If not, why not? The other question I have is why is it that since I only feel attraction to asian ladies (I'm white), it makes me a creep with a sick asian fetish? I'm not a sexual deviant. I would show her love and respect, not just consider her a cheap sex toy. So why do people say it's a hurtful, offensive fetish, even though I would treat her as my equal?


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