In love with my best childhood friend.

Posted by NewToTexas
- Nov 01, 2013 @08:43

I'm a 31 year-old man who had a dream about my best childhood friend back in March, where I outright told her I've been in love with her for 18 years (we've known each other for 25 years.) Upon waking up, it occurred to me that, in 2009, she sent me a VERY curious Myspace message that made me wonder if she feels the same way. I sent her a message asking her how she was doing, and she replied, "cole!!! I am so glad that you remember me. You are one of the fondest memories that I have from Valley Center." In 2009, I didn't think much of it, but looking back, I now wonder. The key word in her message, in my estimation is "fondest." If she would have just said "best" I wouldn't necessarily be asking this. Thoughts?


United States, Wilmington
- Posted Dec 25, 2015 @20:52
I'm so glad u remember me that's all you need to know. She wanted u bro!
Old Romantic
Greece, City unknown
- Posted Feb 13, 2017 @23:43
Sorry, I see this is an old post but you should get back in touch. Maybe she was the one for you? Or did you get back in touch after the initial contact?

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