Internet and social media came as the second flooding of the Earth to leave all it's people surfing in the sea of never ending temptation and opportunity. Loyalty drowned in this sea and respect floats adrift on a lifeboat named honesty which leaves higher chance of finding Bigfoot in the forest before finding loyalty's ghost in the sea.
Broken hearts are self inflicted as we allow it to happen by standing in the line of fire knowing the likelyhood of being shot down. Everyone proclaims themselves as loyal but if loyalty is there, it needs not be spoken and like instinct, if it isn't there it cannot be taught.
I adore you so honesty is better than living the lie. I say ~Forever friends in free will, forever banished in betrayal.~
True love & adoration is finding the most perfect specimen of your favorite flower....& not picking it but letting it remain to live the life it was naturally meant to be. The very instant it is picked to be kept as one's own begins the slow inevitable process of wilting and dying in captivity. Enjoy the wonderful sensations it has to offer, live & let live.
Inevitably and always, whether by death or decision, all things loved will one day depart to leave you standing alone just as you began. Love is a free spirit not meant to be chained or caged just as well as the flame of attraction it carries with it and once that flame dies, next to never does it rekindle, what is loved must be set free.
Don Henley pointed it out in the "End of the Innocence" , "Happily ever after fades and we've been poisoned by these fairy tales."
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From: Location, Undisclosed
Posted: 2021-08-23 09:33:05
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