Should I just give up

Posted by an ex Flirthut member
- Oct 07, 2018 @21:45

Last year I split from my high school sweetheart. We were together for 18 years from the age of 16. I've been with the same person. I've never looked at another woman but I found out she was cheating on me, again, so I ended it. I love her so much but I have to have more respect for myself then that. I deserve better. When we separated I took on my two children full time (woo single dad lol) but I've been trying this whole online dating thing for over a year now and haven't even had a single reply to any of my messages should i just give up and accept being alone?


Romania, Bucharest
- Posted Feb 18, 2019 @23:48
We have a saying here: "The last who dies is HOPE" so do never give up! The copy of your soul does exist somewhere in this world. It is only matter of time to find it!
United States, City unknown
- Posted Nov 26, 2019 @16:54
Ohhh. So good asked. My heart was broken. But now....Thanks.
United States, Central Bridge
- Posted Jan 02, 2020 @08:47
Am also broken, Am here for you.
an ex Flirthut member
United States, Portland
- Posted Dec 21, 2020 @09:05
For some, time is NOT on their side. You'd think the 'time' spent with a person would mean something but that is not always true especially if you are young and free at heart. Some of us are happy and joyful to be with a mate that long and longer while others see it as a, "Hmm, do I want to stay with Ed?" If you are in it to win it, it should not matter how long you are with someone. Your goal is to remain in a relationship no matter how bad her breath stinks in the morning or the wet towel you leave on the side of the tub when you shower at night.

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