I don't want to break up but I know I have to

Posted by Cheatedonnbrokenhearted
- May 31, 2014 @17:46

I am absolutely totally confused about the situation I'm in. I'm besotted with my boyfriend but my friends recently found out he was cheating on me. I stupidly forgave him cheating on me four times and stopped speaking to my friends instead. He told me he's told me absolutely everything, but then yesterday at a party my friends came over and told him to be honest with me. It turned out that when I broke up with him and he was constantly trying to get me back he slept with loads more girls! I know I can't stay with him now because he'll think it's OK to keep doing this. But I am still so much in love with him and every time I see him my heart feels like it's breaking in two. What should I do?


United States, Mesa
- Posted Apr 12, 2015 @09:29
I have been cheated on in every relationship I have ever been in and I took them back after each time they cheated. I know I shouldn't have and finally stood up for myself this last time I was cheated on. I was going through a bout of cancer and she brought a man back to our house had sex with him in the room across the hall from our room. If you want to talk about things feel free to contact me. BTW My name is Nate and I just moved from Chicago to Mesa Arizona area.
United States, Amityville
- Posted Aug 07, 2017 @22:26
If you had a daughter and she was in a similar situation what advice would you give her? If you had a loving, caring friend that was in need of good sound advice that was in a similar situation, what would you do? The answer is right there in front of you. The hardest thing to do is to let go but it's for the best. If you're not giving somebody second best and you're staying true to your relationship why would you allow that person to give you what you do not deserve? Move on. Move on and when you're ready to get involved in a relationship you will soon realize that there are men out there that will give you everything that you need, want and desire. Never settle. Your better off being alone then being involved with somebody that is unfaithful and not truthful. Much success to you and your journey and I hope and pray that you cut the cord and allow your heart to mend before moving on.
Jamaica, City unknown
- Posted Mar 23, 2019 @00:45
What do you need to do...? Look inside yourself and figure out why it is you are attracted to this dirt bag. The problem is not him.. Well, not ALL him.. There is something wrong within you that you would allow someone to completely disrespect you in such a gross manner. The guy is a DIRT BAG. Say that out loud.. Now say it again. Now, the next time you are talking to your friends-say it to them. The guy really is a DIRT BAG. Maybe, after saying this out loud enough times you will come to see the truth in the statement and either embarrassment, or realization of reality, will allow you to move on. After the DIRT BAG is gone.. Look deep within yourself to find the reason why you allowed this DIRT BAG to treat you this way. Seek professional counseling if you can. There will always be DIRT BAGS in this world but *smart* women don't wind up with them. If you don't fix yourself, you are likely to repeat this process.
United States, Atlanta
- Posted Feb 07, 2024 @12:40
My dear you deserve better... It really hard but you must MOVE ON so when next he sees you... He should be filled with Regret of EVER CHEATING ON You. So upgrade

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