Holiday romance

About a month ago, I met a guy while I was on holiday and we had a fling - a holiday romance. He made it quite clear from the start that he wasn't expecting anything more from our relationship but since the holiday finished, I haven't been able to get him out of my mind. I think I've fallen for him big time. We've stayed in touch texting each other at least once a day and I probably would have let it fizzle out if it wasn’t for some of his replies. To give you an example, the other day I text him saying "I wish I was cuddled up with you in bed", to which he replied "Me too. I really loved falling asleep with you by my side". Most of our messages have been like this with hardly any sexual flirting. I sent him a semi-naked picture of myself expecting to get a crude reply back, but he responded with "You look so amazing. I'd love to hold you right now". I want to ask him if he wants to meet up again but I'm afraid of the answer. If he say he doesn't, it would just break me. We had such an amazing time on holiday and I really miss him. We live very far apart and the whole situation is just so confusing for me which is why I'm writing this. If he did want to meet me, I have no idea how we'd meet and when. Help!

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Written by: Rebecca Maurier
From: United States,
Posted: 2018-09-12 22:33:36

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Comment/reply from: Former member, Location, Undisclosed
Posted: 2018-09-22 08:10:52

Rebecca, sounds like you are truly falling in love with him. He is also saying the same. If you can read between the lines. He sounds happy. Maybe if he is not making the next move, you need to talk with him. I can see you are a little bit lacking of confident. It is nothing to do with him. It is you. You need to tell him how you feel and if you both feel the same, then plan another meet and talk about marriage and then that will make him think about marrying you then he will perhaps pop that proposal. That is what I believe it should be done. I hope nothing but the best for you, Rebecca. You just need to speak up.

Comment/reply from: Kyle, Jamaica,
Posted: 2019-03-23 00:25:14

I disagree with the comment above.. I'm a man.. I can't imagine being a man, having a wonderful experience with you, and NOT trying to set up another adventure with you. If he is not asking, or planning, a meet-up for the two of you.. That's a big red flag. I've heard married men say the exact same things to their girlfriends that he is saying to you.. Whatever you do.. DO NOT mention marriage! I would just casually ask him if he is committed to someone else. If he replies that he is not.. Then ask if he would like to get together again at some point in the future for another "holiday". Do not put any more pressure on the situation than necessary. If he is not pursuing you-there is a reason for that.. You need to figure out what that reason is as will mean the difference between the two of you having an on-going relationship, or it will define your experience as just a one time thing.

Comment/reply from: Tiger55, Australia, Alexandra Headland
Posted: 2019-06-27 21:13:58

I think you will get a positive response if you were to indicate interest in catching up again

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