Getting his attention back to me

Posted by annabrixx
- Apr 03, 2020 @18:01

I'm with my first serious boyfriend for four years now and we had planned our life together, went ring shopping, and had everything laid out in front of us. He suddenly broke up with me just before I thought he was going to propose. I'm devastated. I just discovered that he was in another serious relationship with his High school sweetheart, he maintains this cool smart look whenever he's on the cam with me, most of the time it hurts me when I remember all the promises and sacrifices I've invested thus far, I'm in love with him, but I wish we could go make it work again, how can I get his attention back to me? it gives me sleepless night.


United States, Holiday
- Posted Aug 25, 2020 @02:49
Forget him you need to come party with me and you might fall in love. WHeRe YoU from anyways? 35/M/FLorida
United States, Liverpool
- Posted Sep 19, 2020 @19:29
Just move on. Forget him. His loss because he cheated on you. Hey, you never know someone better for you when you find him.

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