Crazy woman

Posted by Faroutfreak
- Jun 13, 2017 @07:56

What would make a woman who had been in and out of a relationship with a man for over 15 yrs suddenly say that the whole relationship was a lie all along? We have a 12 year old son who lives with me. Recently his mother moved back in to "try to work things out" but never stopped looking at other men, even dating them in secret, suddenly she admits to meeting one guy and moves out, then goes around telling serious lies about the ex. Is this woman crazy or what?


United Kingdom, Gravesend
- Posted Jun 25, 2017 @21:34
Some times men's doing what is not right, but as for me i don't support her in any way because she did what's not right at all.
Australia, City unknown
- Posted Oct 11, 2017 @23:01
She isn't right. A woman who does that to any guy doesn't deserve him. I'd never do that. It's selfish and she obviously doesn't care about you or never did. Let her go find someone else. You're better off without her. Find someone else and enjoy your life. We're not all like that.
United States, Central Bridge
- Posted May 12, 2018 @10:08
Continue to live with your son and never let such a mother into your life. Let her walk on the men and enjoy life. She's really crazy.
Jamaica, City unknown
- Posted Mar 23, 2019 @00:35
You want to know how to define crazy? A person that allows a real nutjob to wreck their lives for.. how long did you say? 12 Years? I think the crazy might be strong in the both of you... Show that you are sane and put that person to the curb-PERMANENTLY. Unless you like having that type of drama in your life? That's the question... If you continue to allow this person to be a part of your life even tough you know she is by your own definition "crazy"... Then you are just as crazy, if not more so, than she is.
United States, Bellmore
- Posted Mar 15, 2020 @00:43
What is truly crazy is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different outcome. Cut the string and move on. It's toxic for the child and the relationship.

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