No one compares to my ex

Posted by Jen
- Oct 12, 2012 @23:22

I'm just wondering how I'll ever get over my husband. We split up 4 months ago and although I'm looking for someone, no-one measures up to him. Is anyone else in this situation?

Does anyone have any relationship advice on getting your ex back? or How to get over your ex? Which is probably the route I need to take. He doesn't even take my calls anymore so I don't feel like I can win him back. I feel like some crazy stalker, which I'm not btw, I just feel lost, as it's the first time I've had to deal with a break up of a relationship.


Kyle B
Location undisclosed, City unknown
- Posted Nov 03, 2019 @19:22
Jen... You are a crazy stalker. I hate to break it to you. If your ex is refusing to take your calls. That's a big sign.. You are just not wanting to read it. When you find yourself single the best thing you can do is take this time to figure out who YOU are.. Don't just jump into another relationship right away. There is a reason your husband split from you. Figure out that reason and if it is something that you are doing that drove him away-fix it. Take some yoga classes. Learn to meditate. Read some self help books on how to improve your confidence. Remember, you are most likely to find a new dating partner when you are not looking for one. Build YOUR life. Find happiness for YOU. When you are truly happy, from the inside out, it will attract like minded people. Buy and read Corey Waynes book 3% man. Yes, it was written for men, but it is extremely insightful to the inner workings of a womans mind.
United Kingdom, Birmingham
- Posted Aug 02, 2021 @06:08
Realize that every human is unique, that's why we love them. Move on to another unique person!

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