I need my ex back

Posted by Zaid
- Oct 08, 2012 @22:17

Stupidly, I split up with my partner 6 months ago, then I realised that I'd made a mistake but it was too late. She has already moved out and rented another place and say's she is happy and there's no way she would want to get back together. She say's she is happier than ever and can focus on herself. But I am devastated. I miss her so much and I can't move on. I don't know what to do.


Location undisclosed, City unknown
- Posted Nov 07, 2012 @20:22
Why did you split up with her? Why was it a mistake? Sounds like you made an implusive decision which you'll have to live with now. Sorry to sound harsh but that's what happens when you split up with someone. You split up with them! I suggest that you move on, take a holiday and see friends and family. Take your mind off it and just enjoy yourself.
Mary Steiner
United States, City unknown
- Posted Apr 09, 2013 @08:14
We all do things we regret in life and all we can do is learn from them and move on. Time will heal things - I know it may be painful now but trust me you'll get over it. Not sure how you're getting on as your post is dated Oct 2012 - I hope by now things are easier for you.
United Kingdom, City unknown
- Posted Dec 02, 2013 @22:12
Sorry Zaid, but it looks like your ex has moved on, it's time you did too. I once did a similar thing and massively regretted it for 2 years, but then I realised that I had done the right thing, even though it didn't feel like it at the time.

Sometimes you need to trust that your gut was right to start with, it sounds impulsive but sometimes we know when things aren't right. After we had split up, I found out my partner had cheated on me throughout our entire whole relationship. His best friend told me, when I was depressed over the break up, so I didn't get back with him, it even ruined their friendship. But it was the right thing to do and I'm glad he told me as my ex never admitted it.

So basically pick yourself up off the floor, go out with your single friends, meet some girls and get back on the horse. There's a great girl out there for you! You don't need your ex back.

United States, Central Bridge
- Posted Sep 06, 2016 @07:47
Bro, you have to move forward and not look back. In the world there are a lot of cool girls, you have to get acquainted having a great number of girls.
an ex Flirthut member
United States, New York
- Posted Oct 17, 2016 @15:25
If you dumped her then you must have felt that there was at least one problem or issue and it might have been the right choice for you to make. If she is claiming to be "happier than ever" now, then it sounds like she is either very selfish and you did the right thing by dumping her, or she sounds as if a huge weight has been gladly taken off her shoulders. Are you a typical suffocating, controlling, wacko jerk? If so, she probably knew it and did all she could to get you to dump her so that she wouldn't look like the bad guy for the break-up! and you payed right into her hand. Either way it's over and you need to grow up, grow a pair and get over it - and her - and move along. As soon as you grow and mature into a man, you may find someone right for you.
Anonymous Contributor
Canada, City unknown
- Posted Dec 30, 2016 @23:43
I'm sorry Hun but you can't force someone to love you if she wanted back trust me she would be back. You gotta let her go. Move on another time another place maybe but right now she's where she wants to be.

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