I regret leaving my ex

Posted by sadandbroken
- Dec 02, 2013 @22:28

I stupidly split from my boyfriend of two years and now I regret leaving him. He was so great with my 4 year old daughter and she calls him dad, which naively was probably a mistake, but he seemed so lovely and I thought we would be together for a long time.

The reason I left him was because a friend of a friend slept with him. I didn't believe it at first and I hated her and called her a liar. I confronted her about it and he came round to her house with me so we could find out why she was making up lies. He was adamant she was lying and made her look like rubbish, making fun of her looks and size and making out he wouldn't go near her.

But as the months went on I couldn't get it off my mind. I mean why would she go through that, being made to look bad and feel like rubbish, for what? She didn't want to be with him. She said he had told her he was single, and she doesn't even know me. She is a good friend of my good friend, that's our only link and our mutual friend told me and said she isn't the type of girl to make things up. Anyway fast forward a few months, I ended up leaving and got a house for me and my daughter.

Now he's seeing another woman and I'm heartbroken about it. The worse part is I found out he was seeing her through my 4 year old when she stayed at his house.

I don't know what to do. Apart from that allegation things were great, we got on well and my daughter adored him and he adored her. I feel sick constantly and am struggling to keep calm. What should I do?


Anonymous Contributor
United States, City unknown
- Posted Nov 10, 2018 @10:34
My personal experience is once a cheater always a cheater. You are better off finding someone else that has morals.
United States, Oakland
- Posted Mar 10, 2020 @00:29
My "Friend" of 5 years accused me of the same thing and I was NOT; she put me out. I am now very happy and seeing that person and she wants me back; I told her NO WAY! NEVER JUMP TO CONCLUSIONS, YOU MAY REGRET IT.

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