Tell-tale signs you're ready to date again - our guide

Everyone deserves the opportunity to date when they are ready

First published Dec 04, 2019 | Tanya S
Updated Oct 06, 2024

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Getting over your ex is one of the biggest hurdles in getting you back on the dating scene again, along with several others.

Every heartbreak happens to teach you a lesson, and most of the time, it doesn't fail to make you stronger. However, that doesn't mean that each breakup doesn't come with months of crying, confusion, anger, pain before you reach the stage of acceptance. After all the time spent moving on and putting yourself back into a whole piece, when do you know you're ready to pull your heartstrings for someone and date again?

When it comes to matters of the heart, there's really no set deadline or requirements. It largely depends on your experience with your past relationship as well as your current state, which is why some can get back in the dating scene fast while others can take a long time. Fortunately, there are tell-tale signs that show your heart is ready to risk for love again.

Sign #1: You Can Finally Put Yourself as Your Top Priority

Arguably the most golden rule out of all the list, you know it's the right time when you start feeling like yourself again. After all, relationships take commitment, and you need to feel at peace with yourself before you can let someone else love you.

Self-confidence is crucial as it is what will help you make better decisions for yourself, especially when it comes to relationships. Gone are the days wherein you let someone put you down because now you know what's best for you to make a relationship work.

Sign #2: You're Willing to be Selfless

What makes a healthy relationship is the couple's ability to give and take in any situation. Some may call for a ratio of 70/30, but the best ones should always fall at 50/50 for both partners to feel equal. This means that you can meet each other's needs in a manner that is fair for you both.

If you have any hesitations about making compromises, don't fret. It's okay to take your time with yourself as your top priority, but be sure to take it as a sign that you're not yet ready to commit to a relationship wherein meeting half-way is the key. Once you feel like you can readily open yourself up to situations that demand you to make sacrifices, it's a go signal for jumping into a solid relationship.

Sign #3: You're No Longer Bitter About Your Ex

Moving on from your ex happens slowly and oftentimes presents itself in subtle ways. One of the clear signs that show you're no longer bitter about your ex is when you stop checking their social media accounts. This halt can be sudden as your curiosity naturally fades over time, which is part of the process of recovery. If you feel that you no longer have any strings attached, you're ready to let loose and get back into the dating scene.

Sign #4: You're Excited About Being Back in the Dating Scene

When you imagine yourself with someone new and feel a rush of excitement, then it's a step in the right direction. Dating is a fun experience that should fill you with exhilaration, not dread or stress. While some relationships can be a roller coaster ride, growing with your partner should be thrilling at the end of the day.

The Bottom Line

Dating can be a slippery slope when you have extra baggage steering you into making bad choices. For that reason, it's crucial to take your time to move on, heal, and pick yourself back up until you feel ready to get back in the game with your heart full. To that end, the tips above should give you a clue on when you are ready to take the next step closer to finding love.

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