Flirthut member sleeps with three different dates in one day

An unexpected outcome of online dating

First published May 30, 2019 | Flirthut Moderator
Updated Oct 06, 2024

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You don't expect to have three dates in one day, let alone end up intimate with all of them, but that's exactly what happened to a Flirthut member who'd only ever had two lovers in her life up until then.

We don't often hear from members who have a shocking story to share and we thought we'd share one in particular as not only is it shocking, it's also quite an achievement.

A female Flirthut member, who wishes to remain anonymous - and for the purposes of this blog we're calling Sarah, claims to have slept with three different men she dated - all in one day. Although we can't substantiate this claim, with her permission, we inspected the messages she'd sent through her account and can indeed confirm she did arrange to meet three guys all in the same day. We also tried to get in touch with the three men she claims to have slept with but only one agreed to comment, and he confirmed that Sarah did spend a portion of the day with him at his residence.

"It wasn't easy. I didn't think I could do it but it turns out I could."

Sarah surprised us when she got in touch to ask us if it was 'normal dating practice' to sleep with other members on a first date. Amazingly, what Sarah managed to achieve was far from normal for her considering she had been in a long term relationship for almost 16 years before she signed up on several dating sites.

When messaging turns into a date

The whole point of online dating is to meet someone, so in a way, Sarah did exceptionally well.

"I'd signed up on Tinder, Zoosk and Flirthut in the hope that I'd meet someone special after my separation two years ago. I'd never tried online dating before."

Sarah had been messaging about five guys on Flirthut, all the in the same area, when one of them suggested that they meet up for a coffee.

"He was very cute, very sincere and when he asked to meet me, I jumped at the chance."

A couple of days later, another guy she was chatting to online asked to meet her too.

"I have to be honest, I don't have that much time to date people so I thought if I could meet a few dates all in one day, it'd save some time."

Thinking practically, Sarah arranged to meet her first date for lunch and her second date later that afternoon to give her the evening free with her friends. But, not long after she'd sealed the deal with her second date, a third guy in the same area also suggested meeting up for a drink.

"I was shocked. I've heard the expression, everything comes in threes, but I didn't think it applied to online dating."

Already booked for most of the day, Sarah had to make a decision and having a limited window for dating, she didn't want to pass down any opportunities so she booked Mr Third in for the evening.

The day of the big date

Woman drinking in bar

"I went out that day to meet my first date with no expectations other than to get to know them. I hadn't dated anyone for a very long time and had no idea what to expect on a date with someone I'd met off a dating site. When I met my first date, I was instantly attracted to him and there wasn't much he could do to put me off."

Sarah had lunch with her first date, a glass of wine which swiftly turned into two and within a couple of hours, she was in the back of a taxi 'snogging' en route to his flat. The rest is history.

"I knew that I had another date organised at 4pm so I didn't have a lot of time to get changed. I freshened myself up quickly and headed straight over to meet my second date."

Amazingly, date number two turned out to be an even bigger winner for Sarah. He was much nicer than she expected and 'very sweet'. Apparently irresistible. So when he asked Sarah to have dinner with him at his place, she thought it would be a better idea than going on date number three later. She accepted, and they ended up having an early dinner at his place, minus the en route 'snogging' in the taxi. It was only after dinner that she ended up in bed with him.

"I'd had a couple more glasses of wine and I was just very relaxed. I thought to myself, why not?!".

Expecting to cancel her third date of the day, Mr Second transformed himself from being 'very sweet' into extremely 'sour' after they'd slept together and practically through her out of his apartment.

"I was so shocked. I was practically in my underwear when he asked me to leave. He got what he wanted and had no more use for me. At least he showed his true colours early."

Shocked and a bit deflated, Sarah went home to get showered and call it a day until Mr Third called her to confirm their evening date.

"He sounded very keen and genuine on the phone and I felt bad having to cancel so I went ahead with the date anyway, despite the events of the day."

At around 10pm, Sarah met Mr Third, keeping off the alcohol. Not surprisingly, given the history of the day, they hit if off. By midnight, she's back at his.

"I've never done anything like this before. Before the events of that evening, I'd only ever slept with two guys all my life so you can imagine how shocked I was by what had happened. It was exciting though and I don't regret it."

Love comes in mysterious ways

Sarah has been dating Mr Third now for a couple of months and is convinced they're soul mates. It's not uncommon for men and women to be more exploratory when they have come out of a long term relationship, particularly if they have only had a few intimate partners in their life. We're seeing a growing trend of online daters sleeping with their dates the first time they meet them. More women are becoming open to the idea of intimacy on a first date but we wouldn't recommend it as statistics show relationships that form that way are more likely to fail quickly. Stronger relationships are formed when the intimacy takes places after several dates. Don't rush it - it's usually worth waiting for.

If you're a Flirthut member and have a similar story to share with us, please get in touch – we'd love to hear from you.

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