Our guide on how to make internet dating work for you - 3 tips to know

Internet dating can work for you

First published Dec 16, 2019 | Alan Kasanda
Updated Oct 06, 2024

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The internet has made the world much more connected and it's a great place to meet your significant other. Here are some tips to help make it a little bit easier for you.

The internet has made the world much more connected than it ever was. People can connect to anyone else using the internet, to learn of their cultures, make new friends, or share information. With such connectivity, there is so much that can be done.

One of the most popular things to do with the internet is to find the love of your life. That's right, you can find your future wife or husband through online means. With so many ads that showcase dating sites, you might be tempted to try one out if you don't have a significant other yet, or perhaps you already have tried it.

Internet Dating

We've all heard of horror stories of people meeting someone who looks absolutely nothing like their pictures. We've also heard plenty of sad stories where couples who seriously found interest in each end up never meeting in person.

If you've been through these, we understand that you'd feel internet dating is just a gimmick. If you've only heard such stories, you may feel the same way, too, but hear us out! With thousands and even millions of people online on such platforms, there are bound to be shortcomings. On the other hand, there will also be someone who is the right fit for you and who will want to make things work.

To help you find that one person, here are some tips on how you can make these dating applications work for you:

1. Be Understanding

Yes, we understand that you want someone that belongs to you, but don't expect that the other person on the other end thinks the same or puts it into action. If the person takes a while to message back or doesn't message at all, don't take it personally. You don't know what's going on with them. They might be serious about the relationship, but might be so caught up with work or other activities that they are struggling to reply to you.

2. Don't Put Too Much Effort

Be aware that some people go on dating applications for attention, and not necessarily to find a partner. This can leave you devastated if you've put all your time and effort into trying to make things work. Unfortunately, this can be a little tough for you to differentiate those who are serious and who are in it just for attention. But here's a good rule of thumb: If the person doesn't want to meet face to face (or even video call) after a week's worth of conversation, stop and find someone else.

3. Be Clear with What You Want

No matter if you're dating online or offline, there is one thing you'll always have to do. That is to tell the other person of your true intentions. More often than not, if they're only in it for attention, they'll let you know. This can save you a lot of wasted time sunk into trying to make things work, only to find out your "partner" doesn't care or has other plans.

Yes, internet dating does work, but you'll need to be smart about it. There are plenty of couples out there who have found the love of their life online. More often than not, it wouldn't be their first attempt at online dating either before they found their significant other. Think of it this way, it is pretty much the same as traditional dating, as taking the person out and learning more about him or her. The only difference now is that you're given a broader selection to choose from. Remember, offline or online, dating and maintaining a relationship is not going to be easy, and it is going to take time, patience, and commitment if the two of you are going to work.

If you're looking for a completely free internet dating site, check out Flirthut, which is a free online dating site. With our users growing, you can find the love and intimacy you are looking for in no time!

Members comments

Growing up a military brat my mother and father divorced win about nine or ten. so we ended up moving to my mothers side of the family and my grandparents. Growing up there was always good advice on maters of the heart. First even a tramp wants to be treated like a lady second s*x is like a snow storm. you never know how much you are going to get. or how cold it is going to be. So it's best to spend it in front of a roaring fire with someone you love. And finally when you cheat in a relationship it is on god and yourself, and nobody likes to be cheated on.

- Jan 17, 2021 @11:39