First published Jul 03, 2015 | Maria Simeou (Guest writer)
Updated Oct 06, 2024
I met a blind date that a friend had set up for me but I don’t do blind dates. It’s a bit risky. But I took a chance. It’s amazing how quickly we make our minds up about people. We ended up in a busy pub and he wanted burgers so I had no choice. The date didn’t work out but I learnt a few things about myself.
I remember meeting a blind date that a friend had set up for me in Leicester Square many years back. I don't do blind dates. I mean meeting someone who you have never set eyes on is a bit risky don't you think? What if there is no chemistry on both sides? Or they turn out to be a real bore and you are stuck with them all evening? I took a chance and thought nothing ventured, nothing gained. I remember walking up the stairs at the tube station feeling optimistic and excited. On the journey to the station, in my head I had built this stranger up to possibly be "the one". My expectations were running high. My friend had done a great job selling him to me. He was a professional, good job, had his own flat and was apparently tall. He was supposed to be funny and good company, popular in the office. This all sounded great to me. So why wouldn't I take a chance?
I looked across the very crowded entrance to the station and spotted a tall man in a beige jacket looking lost and nervous and my sixth sense kicked in. I bet that's him, I thought to myself. It was him, and I was in for a very long night. It's amazing how quickly we make our minds up sometimes about people. I had only spoken to him for a few minutes and knew that he just wasn't right for me. The whole evening didn't go as planned and he spent most of it talking about himself and not really asking me anything. I can only assume he was either not interested in me or he thought that I would want to listen to him for hours about his holidays, his mates and his job. Perhaps it was nerves? Not sure. We ended up in a busy pub not too far from the station, then we went to grab some food, he wanted burgers - I had no choice! Then we ended up in a bar where I politely excused myself and blamed my early rise the next day, grabbed the first taxi I could and headed back to the station.
Although this date didn't work out, it wasn't a complete disaster as I learnt a few things about myself and what I do want.