5 ways to be yourself to have a memorable first date

Memorable first date

First dates should be memorable and fun

It's quite easy to go a little overboard on a first date and some people struggle to understand what "being yourself" actually means. Below are some pointers to help steer you on the right track.

Going on a first date is fun and exciting, but it can also bring up feelings of nervousness, stress, and even anxiety! Dating, however, has dramatically changed over the last few years. Social media and dating sites have made it easier for people to meet potential partners without going the route of traditional courting scenarios. However, to establish a real and possibly lasting connection, the first date is still one thing to overcome. Because we've been taught that first impressions last, first date jitters are quite common.

Many dating experts will tell you that being yourself is one thing to do on your first date. However, what does "being yourself" really mean? It's undoubtedly more than having the perfect profile picture. When you meet someone in person, there are no filters and no photo-shop tricks. This is why it's essential to let your real personality stand out.

If you're planning to go on your first date, here are five tips to help you be comfortable in your own self and have the best date ever:

1. Dress to impress yourself

Your first date might be in your favorite coffee shop, a nearby bar, or a casual restaurant. You certainly want to look good and feel comfortable. Unless you're going somewhere fancy, you might want to save that little black dress for another occasion.

2. Pick the perfect date place

The perfect venue can make or break your first date. You may want to treat your date to a night of luxury. It's certainly tempting to go to a hotel or a fine dining restaurant. But if that's not your lifestyle, then it's best that you opt for something else. A comfortable place like your favorite diner is surely a better option. The principle is that the more comfortable you are, the more at ease you will be during the conversation.

3. Relax before the date

Prepare yourself mentally before heading out to your date. Take a few moments to calm your nerves and clear your thoughts. It's not silly to talk to the mirror and remind yourself that it's normal to feel awkward at first. You never know, your date may just be as nervous as well!

4. Share but don't overshare

Going on a first date is similar to a balancing act. While you want to be as honest as possible, you also want to retain some form of mystery for possible future dates. Remember that sharing doesn't have to mean oversharing. The first date might not be the best time to talk about your past relationships, but at the same time, don't withhold information when asked. Be honest but concise.

5. Pay attention

Remember that conversations are a two-way street. The easiest way you can be yourself on a date is to let the other person be themselves. Take a step back, let them speak, and be in the moment. You will soon find that you're no longer striving to come up with conversation topics because you'll actually be enjoying your date! The best part of this is that your date will surely appreciate the attention as well.

Keep these five tips in mind, and you'll have a memorable time on your first date! Above all else, remember to have fun, relax, and enjoy the moment.

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Written by Alan Kasanda
Dated: 2019-09-23
Viewed: 2606 times


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